


爱尔兰教育推广处携同爱尔兰驻华大使馆,驻上海以及驻香港总领事馆将为即将赴爱尔兰留学的学生以及未来希望留学爱尔兰的学生们举办行前说明会,这将是 2019 年之后我们再次线下举行行前说明会。


活动上,即将赴爱留学的同学们将会有机会与各个高校的校方代表见面交流。曾经在爱尔兰读 书和生活的校友们也会分享他们真实的留学经验,这会让同学们在爱尔兰的过渡时期变得更加容易。



上海: 6月20日 18:30-20:30,上海新世界丽笙大酒店, 园景楼2楼,宴会厅B
北京: 6月29 日 13:30-16:30,北京市朝阳区中骏世界城 E 座负一层沃美影城 2 号厅
香港: 7 月 10 日 15:00-17:30,愛爾蘭總領事館, 20/F 33 Des Voeux Road Central
线上: 6月29日北京场现场同步直播

请点击下方“Register Now”按钮进行活动注册。注册时,请确认您要参与的场次和日期,并确保报名信息填写正确。


Joy Li: eii_marketing@163.com


Shanghai 20th June 18:30-20:30 (Radisson Hotel Shanghai New World)
Beijing 29th June 13:30-16:30 (Womei Theatre) (Livestreaming Available)
Hong Kong 10th July 15:00-17:30 (Consulate General of Ireland)

Study in Ireland Pre-departure Briefings are finally back in person this year after 4 years!
Education in Ireland in cooperation with the Embassy of Ireland Beijing/Consulates General in Shanghai and Hong Kong will be hosting pre-departure briefings for students travelling to Ireland and students considering Ireland as a potential study abroad option. This will be our first in-person briefing since 2019!
The briefing session will offer some practical information on visas, what to do on arrival, travelling in Ireland, accommodation, and other aspects of living in and settling into Ireland.
The event will also give you a chance to meet the representative of your chosen higher education institution, other students who will also depart for studies in Ireland, previous alumni of Irish institutions who will share their insights and experiences studying in Ireland, and lots of friendly staff from Ireland who will all make your transition a lot easier.
Successful winners of Claddagh Scholarships will also be presented with their awards.
Please click the "Register Now" button below to register for the event. When registering, please confirm the session and date you want to attend and make sure the registration information is filled in correctly.
Please note that space at our offline events is limited. If you would like to register for the live streaming event (Beijing), Education in Ireland will send a live stream link to your registered email address one week before the event.

For related questions, please contact:
Joy Li: eii_marketing@163.com


Thank you for registering. You have successfully registered for the event in on .

If you are unable to participate for any reason or have any questions, please contact
Joy Li:eii_marketing@163.com

We look forward to seeing you.

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