Pre Departure Briefing Review

  • Education in Ireland , in cooperation with the Embassy of Ireland on the 22nd of July 2016 in Beijing, and on the 25th of July 2016 in Shanghai hosted pre-departure briefings for students travelling to Ireland.
  • The event featured presentations and speeches from Education in Ireland, the embassy of Ireland, The Visa section of the Irish embassy, and Chinese alumni of the Irish education system whom volunteered to share their experiences and tips for studying in Ireland with the next generation.
  • The events were attended by nearly 200 students, and the students were also given the opportunity to network with both other students travelling to their universities but also representative of their education institutes who were on hand to answer any questions.
  • There was also an inaugural awards ceremony for winners of the Claddagh Scholarship programme which was launched last year.

  • 2016年7月22日和2016年7月25日,由爱尔兰教育推广处与爱尔兰驻华大使馆联合,在北京和上海分别为将要出发前往爱尔兰留学的学生们,举办了行前指导会。
  • 此次活动中,爱尔兰教育推广处、爱尔兰驻华大使馆、爱尔兰使馆签证处的代表们,分别进行了发言和讲解,并且有爱尔兰校友将自己留学爱尔兰的经验与技巧进行了分享。
  • 近200名学生参加了本次活动。同学们在此次活动中与将要同行去往爱尔兰留学的同学建立了联系,同时各高校的校方代表也出席了本次活动,并现场为同学们解答问题。
  • 本次活动为去年开始启动的"爱尔兰爱心奖学金"得奖者们,进行了颁奖。

